#Dierenverzet: Potvissen delen informatie over aanval
“Sperm whales are highly socialised animals, able to communicate over great distances. They associate in clans defined by the dialect pattern of their sonar clicks. Their culture is matrilinear, and information about the new dangers may have been passed on in the same way whale matriarchs share knowledge about feeding grounds. Sperm whales also possess the largest brain on the planet. It is not hard to imagine that they understood what was happening to them.“

“The hunters themselves realised the whales’ efforts to escape. They saw that the animals appeared to communicate the threat within their attacked groups. Abandoning their usual defensive formations, the whales swam upwind to escape the hunters’ ships, themselves wind-powered. ‘This was cultural evolution, much too fast for genetic evolution,’ “
Dieren zijn geen willoze slachtoffers van uitbuiting of gebruik door mensen. Dieren zijn niet ‘voiceless’.
Ze laten ons op allerlei manieren weten dat ze niet akkoord gaan met hoe mensen hen behandelen, hen opsluiten, hen gevangen houden, hun habitat vernietigen.
#dierenverzet #animalresistance
In deze rubriek deel ik verhalen van dieren die zich verzetten tegen hun uitbuiting door mensen.
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