#Dierenverzet: Stier ontsnapt
Deze stier was over de rand van de transport truck gesprongen in een poging om te ontsnappen. Door de klap op het asfalt was zijn rechterpoot gekwetst. Toch probeerde hij nog een uitweg te vinden en weg te komen, maar met hulp van omstaanders werd het dier toch terug in de truck gedreven.
Lucy Mizon zag het gebeuren en kon deze foto nemen. Lees haar relaas hieronder.
Dieren zijn geen willoze slachtoffers van uitbuiting door mensen. Dieren zijn niet ‘voiceless’.
Ze laten ons op allerlei manieren weten dat ze niet akkoord gaan met hoe mensen hen behandelen, hen opsluiten, hen aan foltering onderwerpen.
In deze rubriek deel ik verhalen van dieren die zich verzetten tegen hun uitbuiting door mensen.
BRON: @Lucy Mizon – https://bit.ly/2WpUGJS
“I happened to come across this picture today which made me sad. A couple of years ago Pablo and I were in the local village and this cow jumped out of this moving trailer, over the top of it, right before our very eyes. Look at how high that trailer is. Can you imagine how desperate he was to escape? We still can’t understand how he did it. He crashed down onto the tarmac so hard, his front legs taking the impact. After a few moments he struggled with all his might to stand. He had severely injured his right front leg and bellowed in agony. The local butchers (ironically) had flagged down the farmer who’d slammed the brakes on and stopped. At this point I was standing in the road crying “oh my god, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I can’t help you” as we had no way to help this poor brave being. The feeling of powerlessness against injustice when someone needs help so badly is literally horrifying. He took off, away from the other cows in the trailer, going against his herd instinct, and he ran on that excruciatingly painful leg, looking for exits and side roads to escape the humans, but he keep meeting dead ends and no escapes. Soon there were a few villagers pursuing him with Pablo and I, the vegans in the middle, just standing there in desperation. Eventually they herded him back to the trailer, he was bleeding and had been forced to run and run on his leg. The farmer opened the trailer and beat the other cows back with a stick as we shouted “no, no!!!” and he was herded back on. I ran to the farmer and repeated “Vétérinaire” pointing at the trailer. He clearly thought I was mad. The villagers meanwhile smiled and clapped and put their thumbs up at us, thinking we were on their ‘team’, so happy to have caught the wilful escapee, the prisoner. Whatever happened to him he is dead now. Maybe in the field. Maybe shot. Maybe he was loaded onto another truck at some point and taken to the slaughterhouse. There are countless stories of animals trying to escape from the farm or the slaughterhouse. Jumping from trucks, swimming through rivers, running along motorways, through streets and forests with nowhere to go and nowhere to hide from their inevitable fate. Some of the lucky ones get found by vegans or their stories save their lives and they go to sanctuaries. Most end up being caught and killed. Please please understand, these sentient beings are not yours to use, they don’t want to be used, they don’t want to be killed. Their life is as valuable to them as yours is to you. Please be vegan, it’s the very least you can do.”